
Real Party: Jenna's Mermaid 6th Birthday! | North Carolina Party Planner


This was one of the most beautiful parties I've ever been a part of, even if it was a small part!! Everything was gorgeous! We provided the mermaid tail towels and a few helpful suggestions during the planning process. There are several pictures of our towels, but everything else was too cute not to share!

This beautiful cake was provided by Carolina's Cake Shop in Burlington, NC.

Beautiful table decor

Check out our mermaid towels!! They were such a hit! All of the kids and parents were raving about them!

We ended up not using this beautiful pinata but it added to the beautiful decor.

Loved the goldfish in the fish bowl, it looked even better than I had expected it to.

PB & J sandwiches for the little mermaids

Goldfish shaped tuna fish sandwiches for the mommies

The food even included beach themed oreos

What a spread!!

All of the beautiful mermaids!!

*All photos are property of Any Way You Want It Weddings & Events.

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