
CRAFTY DAYS! Handprint Indian Corn

Today's craft is...

Handprint Indian Corn

This project is pretty simple. I freehanded the leaves but email me if you'd like me to send you a template. (anywayyouwantitevents@gmail.com)

You'll need:

1 sheet of light green piece of paper (I used cardstock but construction paper should work fine)
1 dark green piece of paper
1 yellow piece of paper
1 brown piece of paper
1 orange piece of paper
1 red piece of paper
1 white piece of paper
Hole puncher
Elmer's glue
Black marker
Brown marker
Red marker
Yellow marker
White marker (or gray if you can't find white)
Orange marker

1. Use dark green paper to create and cut out the corn leaves
2. Trace your child's hand on yellow paper and cut it out.
3. Glue the yellow hand behind the leaves
4. Use hole puncher to punch holes in brown, red, orange, and white paper. Be sure to empty your hole puncher before you start so you can collect the circles created with these colors.
5. Glue circles onto yellow hand.
6. Glue finished product onto light green paper
7. Use the markers to write this poem around the "corn". Use matching colored markers to write the capitalized words.

"The Colors of Indian Corn"
Mother Nature paints colors for you and me
on all the Indian Corn that we see.
BROWN is for the beauty, that welcome the fall,
RED is Mother Nature's love for us all,
YELLOW is the golden sun,
WHITE reminds us to be kind to everyone,
ORANGE tells us to be thankful each day,
for the variety of nature and it's wonderous ways.

I hope you enjoyed this craft! We'd love to see your version of this!

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